My blog badly needs an overhaul!
First, its been ages since my last post. Second, the contents are lame! Haha. And third, for crying out loud, everything is in BLACK, and I have ZERO photos! Talk about being in a dark place! Haha. Now that I am in a MUCH, MUCH better place :-) and doing okay for myself, I figured it's the BEST time for a new post, even a redesign!
So where do I begin? If I am to do this on a regular basis, should I create an outline of sorts for some topics that I would like to post on my blog? Or maybe I should reintroduce myself, mention the reasons why I thought of putting up a blog and the kind of topics I can share or wish to discuss, the kind of expertise I can impart (if any??), and some of the things I like and dislike (so that maybe you can decide if my blog is worth checking out after a few weeks, or not haha), or maybe you would like for me to rant about how sucky our government is, or on the flipside maybe post some encouraging thoughts? We all need encouragement, some of us more than others.
Or maybe I can share with you something thats random - Do you know where I am, at the moment? I am right outside our doorstep, my office, just for today (hopefully! please cross your fingers with me!). You may be thinking, "that sounds weird, maybe she still thinks she is in Baguio" (since the family and I decided to go there after 6 years of not being able to visit, to spend the holidays there. I promise to post pictures, soon!). Or maybe you are thinking "she is enjoying the cool weather" (especially since it was hot a few months ago), or maybe you have concluded that I am just really a weirdo.
Well, honestly it CAN be all of the above. But the real reason is this: I cannot seem to get our kittens to stop shitting on our doorstep. Seriously! Cats are very easy to train, which is the reason why we opted for a cat rather than a dog. This decision was over 9 years ago. Now we have CATS (plural), and a shitload of them; 13 to be exact (now how is that for being a weirdo!). But training 13 cats is proving to be a huge task, so huge that we find ourselves with this really annoying problem!
Yes, you heard me right! We have (God help us), 13 cats. After losing Petri almost two years ago, (our first cat who we loved for 7 years, photo below: isnt he a BEAUT?!)
So today, out of SHEER frustration, hubbie and I decided to squat, yes, right outside our doorstep; and now all 13 cats are pestering us, wondering what in the world prompted us to work here. The curious cats that they are (the saying curiosity killed the cat, is about to happen), are everywhere - on top of our laps, on the backs of our chairs, on top of our tables, on top of our slippers, and some even want to be on top of our laptops!
To cut a long story short, it was not a VERY PRODUCTIVE day. We ended up spending the quality time our cats have been craving, instead of us getting ANY work done (which we needed oh so desperately). I was irate at the start since I wanted so badly to be in the theaters to watch Les Mis (and not to work, at all), the movie I have been DYING to see ever since I found out about it, which was like over a year ago. Right now I am still at our doorstep, frustrated that it's now dark, I have not gotten any work done (well if you call blogging work, I have at least done this!), which means I need to move all our stuff back inside the house because now, its not only the cats who want a piece of us, but also the mosquitoes!
Aww, Wouldn't it be luverly if they just stopped bloody shitting! Cats are the most adorable creatures, until they start shitting on your doorstep. GRRR...
While on the topic of CATS and Musical Theatre, I hope you enjoy the music I have attached below! Its from CATS, Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats, Petri's theme song, composed by NO LESS than Andrew Lloyd Webber. Sigh, even after 13 cats, we miss our Petri...